Elevate Affordability: How to Make Cheap Tiles Look More Expensive

Transforming your space on a budget doesn’t mean compromising on style. With a few creative strategies, you can make even the most budget-friendly tiles exude a luxurious and expensive appearance. In this guide, we’ll explore tips and tricks to elevate the look of cheap tiles, allowing you to achieve a high-end aesthetic without breaking the bank.

1. Grout Selection:

The choice of grout color and width can significantly impact the overall appearance of your tiled surface. Opt for a grout color that complements your tiles and consider a slightly darker shade to create a sophisticated contrast. Narrow grout lines can also impart a sleek and seamless look.

2. Tile Layout Patterns:

Experiment with different tile layout patterns to add visual interest. Herringbone, chevron, or diagonal patterns can elevate the perceived value of your tiles. Get creative with the arrangement to create a custom and expensive-looking design.

3. Tile Orientation:

Consider the orientation of your tiles. Instead of traditional horizontal or vertical layouts, try a vertical stack or a unique pattern to break away from the norm. Unconventional orientations can make a space feel more custom and upscale.

4. Accent Tiles:

Introduce accent tiles strategically to create focal points. Even a small amount of pricier accent tiles can make the entire installation appear more upscale. Use them as borders, inlay patterns, or as a feature wall to add a touch of luxury.

5. High-Quality Trim:

Invest in high-quality trim pieces and edging materials. A polished and well-finished border can elevate the entire tiled surface, giving it a more refined and expensive appearance. Consider metal or specialty trims for added elegance.

6. Proper Installation:

Ensure a professional-looking installation by paying attention to detail. Straight lines, even spacing, and meticulous alignment contribute to a polished finish. Take your time during the installation process to achieve a flawless result.

7. Adequate Lighting:

Proper lighting can enhance the perceived value of your tiles. Illuminate the space with strategically placed lighting fixtures to highlight the texture and color of the tiles. Well-lit areas tend to feel more luxurious.

8. Contrast with High-Quality Fixtures:

Pair your cheap tiles with high-quality fixtures and accessories. Upgrading faucets, showerheads, or cabinet hardware can divert attention from the tiles and create an overall impression of sophistication.

9. Consistent Color Palette:

Maintain a consistent color palette throughout the space. Coordinating colors with other elements in the room, such as paint, furniture, or decor, can create a harmonious and upscale atmosphere.

10. Regular Maintenance:

Keep your tiles clean and well-maintained. Regular cleaning and proper care contribute to the longevity and appearance of your tiles, ensuring they look their best over time.


Making cheap tiles look more expensive is all about attention to detail and strategic design choices. By focusing on grout selection, layout patterns, tile orientation, accent tiles, high-quality trim, proper installation, lighting, fixture contrast, color palette, and regular maintenance, you can achieve a luxurious and high-end look without the hefty price tag. For more expert tips on home improvement and design trends, stay connected with our blog.

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